
A chic waterfront wedding at Piers Park in East Boston




Charlotte and John met working at a startup in Boston together. Seemingly out of nowhere in 2017, they started chatting on their company’s instant messenger and couldn’t get enough of it. After a few weeks, they went out for drinks after work and have been inseparable ever since! They are hammock and hiking aficionados who love a good book (or 100, which is how many they each read a year…), and definitely prefer reading WHILE hammocking. They do yoga together, even though John is much less bendy than Charlotte. And they’re total animal lovers who melt over cute forest creatures or farm animals or a cute dog passing them on the sidewalk. On a random night, Charlotte came home from work to find John in her apartment – and he had decorated with rose petals, candles, and set up champagne! He got down on one knee and Charlotte said YES!

When it came to their wedding, they kept it local, but with some dramatic flair – East Boston! Eastie has incredible skyline views of Boston, and Piers Park is a popular spot for picnics, walks, and kids activities. They live in Eastie, got married in Eastie, and hired an Eastie photographer – all in the family! Charlotte’s family lives in North Carolina, so her parents attended the ceremony via Zoom. John’s parents brought flowers for the ceremony and shed lots of tears during the ceremony, too. They sealed the deal with a big kiss and lots of hugs and silly faces – “We’re married! We did it! I’m a wife! You’re my husband!” Charlotte was very excited. By this time, the rain had picked up to a steady mist, so we paraded down Marginal Street to the East Boston Shipyard and took photos in the deserted ICA Watershed parking lot and by Downeast Cider House.

Photography: Lena Mirisola – Flowers: Frugal Flowers – Officiant: Justice Fontella – Dress: White by Vera Wang – Shoes: Liliana – Earrings: Adornia – Rings: The Jewelry Exchange + Oura – Tux & shirt: Calvin Klein




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also known for the epic #lmselfie


fter 13 years in business, I've made it my mission to serve couples with the most easeful, professional, elevated, and organized wedding experience possible.

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ith 12+ years of business knowledge and experience under my belt, I’ve made it my mission to teach and empower creatives and help them navigate the varying seasons of entrepreneurship with clear direction, actionable steps, and no fluff.

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