The best thing for your Instagram feed that you can do TODAY is rather simple:
Post a photo of YOURSELF!
I know you have some awesome selfies.
Yes, yourself. Is it self-centered? NOPE! Is it embarrassing? Maybe the first time! But you’ll get comfortable real quick 🙂
Grab a photo from your archive, or take a new one. It doesn’t have to be a big production of getting the tripod and remote out, go find a nice window and snap a selfie with your phone! SMILE!
When someone new lands on your feed, they have a few seconds to make the decision to follow you. You may have the prettiest curated feed, but if there’s no reminder that you, the awesome human is behind the account, then you’re missing out on opportunity to connect with your audience.
Aim for a photo of yourself at least every 9 squares.
Set up a photo swap with a fellow photographer (or trade services), have your significant other snap a few photos of you one weekend in your neighborhood or on your couch, or take a few killer selfies! Tip: it’s always easier to work in batch than to constantly create content, so month schedule a YOU shoot once a month and rock on!
Caption your photo with an introduction of who you are, who and what is important to you, your favorite things at the moment; basically anything you can use to connect with your followers. The more quirky / unique = the better.
I bet you that post gets WAY more engagement than your usual photos – prove me wrong!